Lómagnúpur (688 m), de ’eenzame piek’, is een steile berg die ooit als landtong uit zee oprees. Door het omhoogrijzen van IJsland na de laatste ijstijd heeft de kustlijn zich teruggetrokken waardoor deze berg nu een heel stuk verder landinwaarts staat.
Lómagnúpur staat vlakbij de ringweg zo’n 40 km ten noordoosten van Kirkjubæjarklaustur.
Saga of Njáll:
The Saga of Njáll speaks of a dream chieftain Flosi Þorgeirsson had. He dreamt that he was by Mt. Lómagnúpur. The mountain opened up and a giant stepped out of the mountain, holding a large iron rod. The giant called out the names of Flosi’s men. First he called out the name of Grímur the Red, a kinsman of Flosi, and Árni Kolsson. Then he called out the names of Eyjólfur Bölverksson and Ljótur, the son of Hallur at Síða, and another 6 men.
The giant then kept silent for a while. He then called out the names of 5 of Flosi’s men, which were the sons of Sigfús. He then called out another 5 names, Lambi, Móðólfur and Glúmur. And he called the names of another 3 men. Last of the names were Gunnar Lambason and Kolur Þorsteinsson. The giant then walked towards Flosi and Flosi asked him what was new and what was his name. The giant told Flosi that his name were Járngrímur. Flosi analysed the dream and believed that all these men, whose names were called out by the giant, were going to be killed.
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Links Lómagnúpur:
Hiticeland.com - Mt. Lómagnúpur
Klaustur.is - The Giant of Mt. Lómagnúpur